As you recall, last Summer/Fall Paul Spadaro, the Magothy Riverkeeper, gave a wonderful presentation to our Club on the working and projects of the Magothy Riverkeeper. Among those works is support of the annual Yellow Perch spawning run in the Upper Magothy River. Paul described the need for some Volunteer help in recording water temperatures, counting “egg chains”, area cleanup, and some other work, and invited FSFF to help. Paul attended last night’s meeting and gave us an update on the plans for the yellow perch project this year and how FSFF can help.
There will be an orientation meeting, streamside, February 9, at 1:00 PM. Any FSFFers interested in participating can meet Paul at the Catherine Ave. bridge over the Magothy River, located just East of Lake Waterford in Pasadena, ie, just downstream of Lake Waterford Dam. Paul said he doesn’t expect the meeting to run longer than one hour. Basically we will walk the stream and he will describe in more detail what support he needs from the Volunteers. He recommends wearing rubber boots as the area may be muddy.
Please let Gary Grey know if you plan to attend.