April 16, 2022
10:00 am
12:00 pm
April 16: Joe Bruce’s “Tying Deerhair Poppers and Spinning Deerhair on Flies” If you have never ‘spun’ Deerhair, here’s your opportunity to learn how to tie very effective Deerhair poppers. Joe Bruce will break down what looks like a very complex process for tying a fly into a series of very doable steps. What separates Deerhair poppers from cork or foam poppers is really how Deerhair poppers float more submerged in the water surface and can provide a more ‘life-like’ movement in the water.
For those coming to the deer hair bugs tying this Saturday, bring your heavier thread at least 3/0 and a razor blade for cutting the bottom of the bug. Looking forward to it. I will be doing a PowerPoint Session prior to the tying to discuss the best hair and techniques for these fun and effective flies. –Joe Bruce
Rich Batiuk