A work party will be held to install a walkway between the two existing walkways leading to our clubhouse. If you are free, we need your help. We plan to install 2X2 pavers to connect the two existing walkways together. According to our resident engineer (Rich) we will have to remove 72 sq ft of grass & soil, laying 2” of crushed stones and 1” of sand, then the pavers. Any tools you have (shovels, wheel barrow, edgers, rakes, tampers) would be appreciated. We will begin at 9 AM and if we have help should be done by noon.
Please bring shovels, rakes, edgers, gloves, tampers. We plan to remove the existing grass and level the existing ground to install the pavers.
The clubhouse will be open, coffee will be served.
If possible, drop John a line if you think you can attend. It should not take long if we have help.
(443) 223- 6000